My name is Christy. I am Nichol's daughter.
For the entirety of mine and my brother's life my mother has shared, educated, conversed and entertained us with her private world of art. To her visual art isn't just an interesting by-product of creativity. It's the first language she learned to speak, behind her mother tongue of French and her adopted country tongue of English. It is her heart language, if you will.
To my mother, art is a powerful tool that has the ability to shape relationships, give understanding to the inexplicable, ignite global conversations and even improve humanity's quality of life in a way no other man made concept ever could. To her art is breath itself. The very essence of existence distilled in a quiet, personal, solitary moment.
For years I have watched and learned from this incredible woman...what it means to struggle with one's humanity and still find beauty and sense of purpose. This web site and 70 year celebration is my attempt to share her with the larger world.
While my mother has always been successful in selling her works I find the proliferation with which she has been working these past few years incredible and worthy of a larger audience. Her life and work is too extraordinary not to share!
Welcome to the world of Nichol Brown.
#NicholBrown, #70 years